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Salida Fly Response to COVID - 19

A note to our current and prospective clients regarding the ongoing public health situation: We want to assure all of you that we take the health of our staff and clients seriously.

At this time Salida Fly is continuing to conduct trips into the foreseeable future and will continue to accept bookings for the 2020 season. Fly fishing may be one way to promote mental health and outdoor exercise while maintaining social distancing. We are located in a rural community, our company and trip size is small, only 2 anglers per raft and one guide. If there are multiple boats in your group they float several hundred yards apart on the river. Different fishing groups do not interact or run the same section of river. Our activities take place in a vast outdoor setting and do not involve crowds or confined spaces. At most times guides and clients can easily maintain appropriate social distancing while fishing. We operate with a guide staff of 5 individuals, whom we know well, and will ensure our staff only works if they are healthy. We will also continue to operate our trips in a sanitary manner. We will pay special attention to sanitizing guide vehicles and surfaces that are commonly touched. When meals are provided on trips, our guides wear gloves, hand washing soap is provided and guides follow all field food safety best practices. We understand the concern may be the travel required to get to us, not the fishing trip itself. We trust you will make the best decision for yourself in regard to the risk level for you.

If you are currently scheduled for a fishing trip with us and are feeling sick or experiencing flu-like symptoms we encourage you to reschedule your trip. We will provide maximum flexibility on rescheduling so you will not miss out on your fishing experience. If you would like to book a trip in the future but are unsure about the timing, feel free to contact us and order a gift certificate which can be used up to two years from time of purchase.

We are intent, as many of you are, to continue on with daily life while also trying to keep those we love safe and healthy. If you have questions, concerns, or special requests, please do not hesitate to contact us directly.



Kayla & Andrew Maddox

Owners, Salida Fly LLC


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